FLIGHT CREW TRAINING MANUAL ABNORMAL OPERATIONS GENERAL 03.010 JAN 09/07 . Some failures (typically slat or flap failure) increase the VLS. In this case, the VLS displayed on the PFD (if available) takes into account the actual . In some others failures, it is required to fly at speed higher than VLS to improve the handling characteristics of the aircraft. It is the reason why the In all cases, When required Vapp = VLS (PFD) + VLS (ECAM) + Wind correction FOF 03010 03739 0001 In order to prepare the approach and landing, the crew needs to know VAPP in Vapp = Vref + Vref + Wind correction When required FOF 03010 03741 0001 DELTA VREF ON QRH VERSUS DELTA VLS ON PFD ENV A330/A340 FLEET FCTM Page 2 of 7 |