Английский язык. Всероссийская олимпиада школьников (9-11 классы). Школьный этап. 2015-2016 учебный год


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Английский язык. Всероссийская олимпиада школьников (9-11 классы). Школьный этап. 2015-2016 учебный год




Английский язык. Задания для участника  9-11  классы

Время выполнения -90 минут. Максимальное количество баллов – 44 балла

LISTENING – 7 баллов

Listen to the interview and for questions A8-A14, choose the answer (1, 2 or 3) which  you think fits best according to the text. Write the appropriate number (1, 2 or 3) in boxes A8-A14 on your answer sheet.


A8. Catherine mainly gets inspired for her novels from

            1) things that happen in her personal life.

            2) unimportant new stories.

            3) major events in the local area.


A9. The example of the shopping centre shows that, before writing, Catherine

            1) interviews a lot of people.

            2) does a lot of background research.

            3) imagines a complete story.


A10. Catherine says her characters

            1) can be identified by the people they’re based on.

            2) are exact copies of people she has known.

            3) are only loosely based on real people.


A11. Catherine is more likely to create a character based on a real person’s

            1) history.

            2) appearance.

            3) view of the world.


A12. There is a chance that

            1) Catherine will give a talk about making films.

            2) a company will buy the film rights to Fire at Dawn.

            3) there will be a film version of Fire at Dawn.


A13. Catherine does not want

            1) to be involved in making the film.

            2) someone else to write the screenplay.

            3) the plot to be altered in a major way.


A14. Catherine believes that

            1) the stories in the book and film should be the same.

            2) film and literature are extremely different media.

            3) films based on books are usually annoying.









READING -13 баллов


Match headings A-H to texts 1-7 choose the best heading A-H. There is one heading you will not need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.





D. TWO TYPES                                            H. HOME ALONE


  1. In Britain? Most families are “nuclear families”. This means that the family consists of the parents and children. Of course, there are uncles and aunts and grand parents, too, but they do not have much to do with raising the children and often live a long way away. In many other countries, the “extended family” is more common. With the extended family, uncles, aunts and grandparents live closer to the parents and children – sometimes even in the same building – and everyone in the family has a much closer relationship.
  2. Most teenagers say at some point; “When I’m a parent, I’m going to give my children much more freedom than I have now.” When they do actually become parents however, they soon realize that giving a child or teenager lots of freedom is not always the best thing to do. Many parents end up hearing their children saying to them exactly the same things they said to their parents when they were young.
  3. What does bringing up a child involve? Giving a child love and making a child feel safe in their environment are extremely important. So is providing food and warmth. Parents also have a duty to teach their children the differences between right and wrong, and to make sure their children get a good education. Some parents believe that their role is also to teach children about the importance of things such as family, religion and society.
  4. The English phrases “a chip off the old block” and “like father, like son” (or “like mother, like daughter”) are used to show the similarities between a parent and their child. These might be similarities in terms of appearance, behavior or interests. For example, if a dad loves watching cricket and his son Eric becomes interested in cricket, too, you might say. “Eric’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?”
  5. “Latchkey kids” are a major problem in many countries, including Britain and the USA, These are children whose parents are still at work when they come home from school, so there is no one at home to look after them. Their parents aren’t there to help with their homework, and some of them spend hours on their own before their parents’ return.
  6. The idea of “quality time” is based on an understanding that the amount of time a parent spends with their child is not the only important thing. What is also important is what they do together during that time. Ten minutes of discussing problems that a teenager is facing may be much more valuable than two hours of watching a movie together in silence.
  7. Families work well when things are going well, but the real test of a family comes at times of stress. Perhaps Mum has been working too hard, or perhaps young Amy is taking exams at school. These are times when all the families can find themselves fighting instead of helping each other. When a family is going through a crisis like this, it can often help to talk to someone outside the family. It could either be an expert, such as a family counselor, or a trusted family friend







Read the text and complete gaps 8-13 with sentences A-G. There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. Write the answers on your answer sheet.


What time is it? To answer that question today, all we have to do is look at a watch or clock. It wasn’t always that simple, however. For thousand of years, people have wanted an accurate way of telling the time, (8)____________________________.


We know that the ancient Egyptians had sundials, (9)______________________. It is thought they also had a way of measuring time using running water. The ancient Chinese also developed non-mechanical ways to measure the passing time.


The first mechanical clock appeared around the 9th century. This did not have hands as modern clocks do, (10)_______________________.

The first reasonably accurate clocks were developed in Italy in the 13th century.


Unlike modern clocks, they did not tell the time to the nearest minute; rather, they announced when an hour had passed. Table clocks became popular in the 1500s. They usually only had one hand, which had four possible positions each hour, (11) _________________________.


In 1657 the pendulum clock was invented. Although Galileo came up with a similar idea first, it is Christian Huygens (12)_________________________. Since then, сlocks have become more and more dependable. Today, each of us carries a mobile phone or wears a watch (13)___________________.


  1. but rang a bell to tell the time
  2. who is generally considered to be an inventor
  3. allowing you to tell the time to the nearest fifteen minutes
  4. which requires sunlight to work
  5. where the first clocks were developed
  6. apart from looking at the position of the sun
  7. which can be relied on to be accurate


USE OF ENGLISH- 14 баллов

For questions 1-8, read  the  text  and  write  the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. Write the answers on your answer sheet.


Meeting a Stranger

I was coming home at about three o’clock on a black winter night, when

suddenly I saw two people. The (1) ____________ was a short man who             ONE

(2) _________ along the street, and (3) ___________ was a little girl                   WALK /  TWO

who (4) __________ as fast as she could.                                                                RUN

Well, the two crashed into each other and the child  (5) _________  down.           FALL

But the man calmly walked on and left the (6) ____________   child                    CRY

on the ground.

I ran after the man and brought (7) ________ back. There was already                 HE

a small crowd around the child.

The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very cruel look, which

(8) __________ me feel sick.                                                                                  MAKE

The child’s family then arrived, and also  the  doctor. I had taken a violent

dislike to the short man. So had the child’s family – that was only natural.





Complete gaps 9-14 with words formed from the words in CAPITAL letters. Write the answers on your answer sheet.


New Tourism in France

France is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. To most people

Perhaps, the (9) ____________  of France lies in her art and culture.                  GREAT

But for the more (10) _____________ tourists  there is a different side   to         ADVENTURE

France that will reward all who make the journey.

Surprisingly enough, old factories and plants have become (11) __________      IMPORTANCE

to French tourism. In France, every year, no fewer than 1400 companies,

heritage museums or industrial sites draw 20 million visitors.

It is (12) _____________ the giant of the food and agricultural industry            GENERAL

together with the traditional crafts that have the most appeal.

With attractions such as the 17th century Strasbourg breweries and the Millay

Viaduct (the highest road bridge in the world  (13) ____________ tourism        INDUSTRY

has become a flourishing sector.  Whether it is sugard almonds or cast iron

dishes, Reblochon cheese, beer making or sparkling French crystal – many

people are fascinated by the (14) ___________ of how things are made.            REAL



WRITING – 10 баллов

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend David, who writes:


….. Thank you  for the book you sent me about the Lyceum years of Pushkin and his friends. I’m glad it was in English. My elder sister is reading it now. Isn’t it amazing that all the 10-year-old boys could read, write and speak French before they got to the Lyceum?! Was home education typical for all kids under 10 in Russia in the 19th century? Would you like to study in a boarding school like Pushkin’s Lyceum?

Next week I am planning to apply to a University.


Write a letter to David. In your letter:

  • answer his  questions
  • ask 3 questions about the University he is going to apply to.


Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Write the letter on your answer sheet.











ANSWER SHEET                   БЛАНК  ОТВЕТОВ               9-11 классы




Общее кол-во баллов________________


























































































Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing





Общее количество  слов______________








